Supreme Pizza Cabbage Lasagna

Supreme Pizza Cabbage Lasagna

I frequently make lasagna since it is an easy dish to prep in advance. This lasagna mimics the flavors from a supreme pizza and is loaded with veggies. I substituted shredded cabbage for lasagna noodles to reduce carbs since I had an extra head of cabbage in the fridge.


1/2 head cabbage diced

5 garlic cloves minced

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1 teaspoon dried basil

1 teaspoon onion powder

40 (ish) ounces marinara sauce

1 pound Italian sausage removed from casings

1 green bell pepper diced

1 red bell pepper diced

1/2 onion diced

8 ounces sliced black olives

8 ounces sliced mushrooms

16 ounces reduced fat ricotta

1 cup shredded mozzerella

1/2 cup shredded parmesean

1 tablespoon basil paste or fresh basil

1 package pepperoni slices


  1. Preheat oven to 375 if cooking immediately after prepping.
  2. Cook sausage in a non-stick skillet over medium heat breaking up as it cooks. Remove from heat after sausage is just browned.
  3. Add cabbage, garlic, onion powder, oregano, and basil to a nonstick pan. Cook on medium heat stirring often for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour a layer of the marinara sauce in the base of a 9×13 dish.
  5. Heat a nonstick skillet to medium. Cook the peppers and onion for five minutes. Add the remaining marinara sauce, mushrooms, and olives and cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Mix ricotta, mozzarella, parmesan, and basil in a medium bowl.
  7. Spread half of the cabbage (or lasagna noodles) over the sauce.
  8. Spread half of the ricotta mixture over the cabbage.
  9. Arrange pepperioni in an even layer to cover the dish.
  10. Pour half of the sauce mixture over the pepperoni.
  11. Spread the remaining half of cabbage over the sauce.
  12. Spread the remaining sauce over the cabbage.
  13. Optional- top with more shredded cheese
  14. Spray aluminum foil with olive oil to prevent sticking and cover tightly.
  15. If cooking immediately bake for 45 minutes covered. Them remove the foil and cook for an additional 15 minutes.
  16. If cooking after refrigerating cook for 1 hour before removing foil. Then cook for 15 minutes uncovered.
  17. Let rest for 5 minutes before serving.
  18. Enjoy!