Why do I cook and blog?

Why do I cook and blog?

I used to be terrified of cooking! I was afraid of trying new things, of messing up recipes, and just about everything in the kitchen. When I first graduated college and began cooking for myself I was always looking for simple meal kits that required minimal effort. Gradually over the years I began cooking more and slowly started trying new techniques, foods, and recipes.

When I was pregnant with my fourth son I was part of a private Facebook group with Beachbody legend Autumn Calabrese as we launched 80 Day Obsession. Through this group I began to learn simple methods to make meals healthier. I started trying to incorporate new vegetables into my diet. I learned it was okay to make mistakes and tasted the rewards from my efforts with healthy and delicious meals.

Over the past few years I have complied binders of recipes, stacks of cookbooks, and bookmarks with websites and blogs I visit often. Instead of scrolling on Facebook to relax now I scroll the Food Network app and Fixate recipes on my Beachbody app.

I love to cook, but I really treasure eating insanely delicious food that I know is good for me. I feel blessed to be able to provide my family with meals that they enjoy while also fueling their bodies and keeping them healthy.

I hope I am able to share recipes, techniques, and ideas people can use to improve their diet, add variety to their meals, and make cooking fun. Please try my recipes and share what worked or didn’t work for you. What did you enjoy? What did you change? What would you do differently next time?

I hope you have an amazing day cooking in your kitchen.


Active Ashley