Cranberry and Nut Muffins

Cranberry and Nut Muffins

These muffins combine fresh cranberries, dried figs, and roasted hazelnuts and pecans and are naturally sweetened with a date paste.  These are sure to fill you up and brighten up a cold winter morning.


1 cup whole wheat flour

1 cup almond flour

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1 tablespoon baking powder

½ teaspoon baking soda

½ teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

2 teaspoons ground ginger

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 large eggs

1 cup nonfat or almond milk

 1 cup whole large pitted dates

1 ½ cups fresh cranberries

¾ cup toasted hazelnuts and pecans

½ cup chopped dried figs (or fresh figs if you can find them)

¼ cup dark brown sugar

5 ounces vanilla nonfat Greek yogurt

1 packet Monk fruit sweetener


  1. Place dates in a small bowl.  Cover with boiling water and let sit.
  2. Toast hazelnuts and pecans on a small sheet pan at 350 for 5 minutes.  Transfer to food processor to chop.
  3. Add flours, protein powder, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and ginger to a medium bowl and whisk together.
  4. Add eggs, yogurt, brown sugar, vanilla extract, and milk to a large mixing bowl and mix on medium to combine.
  5. Drain the dates and add to a food processor to chop.
  6. Add chopped dates to the mixing bowl.
  7. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the mixer.
  8. Add in the roasted nuts, chopped figs, and cranberries. 
  9. Spray muffin tins with nonstick spray.
  10. Use a large cookie scooper to fill muffin tins.  Sprinkle 1 packet of monk fruit sweetener over the muffins to add a touch of sweetness.
  11. Bake 30-40 minutes until muffins are set.
  12. Let muffins cool in the pan for at least 10 minutes before cooling on a wire rack.
  13. Store in an airtight container.
  14. Enjoy!