Tag: cheesecake

<strong>My Grandpa’s Cheesecake Recipe</strong>

My Grandpa’s Cheesecake Recipe

I grew up eating my grandfather’s cheesecake and his recipe remains my favorite!  I made a few slight changes from his recipe to lighten it up a little, but this remains my all-time favorite cheesecake.  I feel like I am sitting with my grandfather with 

Pumpkin Ricotta Cheesecake with Cranberry Topping

Pumpkin Ricotta Cheesecake with Cranberry Topping

This is by far the best pumpkin cheesecake I have ever made.  The gingersnap crust, ricotta filling, pumpkin spices, and tartness from the cranberry sauce made this a memorable dessert. Recipe adapted from Food Network Ingredients: Crust- 1 14 ounce bag Gingersnaps 4 tablespoons extra