Veggie Noodle Pasta Salad

Veggie Noodle Pasta Salad

I love the flavors of pasta salad, but I wasn’t in the mood for a heavy dish full of carbs.  I decided to use veggie noodles from carrots and zucchini instead.  This tastes just as delicious as my “regular’ pasta salad, but is comprised of mostly vegetables with a bit of cheese.


1 zucchini

1 large carrot

½ cup diced broccoli

1 bell pepper diced

¼ cup red onion diced

½ cup halved cherry tomatoes

¼ cup white cheddar cubes (I cut 5 cracker slices into fourths)

¼ cup sharp cheddar cubes (I cut 5 cracker slices into fourths)

¼ cup shredded parmesan cheese

¼ cup fat free Italian dressing

1 tablespoon Italian seasoning


  1. Use a vegetable peeler to peel the carrot to make noodles.  Cut the zucchini into long strips lengthwise.  Then cut the strips into matchstick noodles.
  2. Spray a nonstick pan with olive oil spray. Saute the zucchini and carrot noodles over medium low heat for 5-10 minutes stirring occasionally.  Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning.
  3. Add broccoli, pepper, tomato, and onion to a large bowl.  Mix to combine.
  4. Add the zucchini and carrot noodles. Mix to combine.
  5. Add ¼ cup Italian dressing.  Mix to combine.
  6. Fold in the cheese slices/cubes and shredded parmesan cheese once the noodles have cooled.
  7. Store in the refrigerator.
  8. Stir to mix dressing before serving.  Enjoy!