Tortilla Smash Burgers

Tortilla Smash Burgers

We saw this idea on Facebook and just had to try it. These are the quickest and easiest burgers to make. You can use any seasoning or topping you want to adjust the flavor and enjoy these over and over without ever getting bored.


1 pound lean ground beef

4 tortillas

4 slices of cheese

1 tablespoon seasoning (We used a chili lime seasoning for these)

Toppings: lettuce, tomato, onion, ketchup, mustard, pickles, salsa, etc…


  1. Mash up ground beef in a bowl with seasoning. Divide into 4 balls.
  2. Pre-heat a flat nonstick skillet/pan over medium heat.
  3. Place each ball of meat on the skillet and top with the tortilla. Gently push down to “smash” the meat filling the tortilla.
  4. Cook 3-4 minutes.
  5. Flip the burger over and allow to cook for 2 minutes.
  6. Top with a slice of cheese and cook for an additional minute while the cheese melts.
  7. Remove from heat and transfer each tortilla burger to a plate.
  8. Add desired toppings.
  9. Enjoy!!